Health-Conscious Women 60% More Likely to Prefer Expensive Brand-Name Drugs
The consumer market research firm Scarborough analyzed "Health-Conscious Women," defined by Scarborough as American adult women who agree that they go to the doctor regularly for checkups, generally feel they eat right, and follow a regular exercise routine. Health-Conscious Women make up 16 percent of the US adult population and 32 percent of the female adult population. The top local markets of Health-Conscious Women are: Providence, RI (20 percent of adult residents are Health-Conscious Women); Rochester, NY (20 percent); and Hartford, CT (20 percent).
Results showed that Health-Conscious Women are 36 percent more likely than all US adults to agree strongly that they take medicine as soon as they don't feel well and 60 percent more likely to strongly agree that they prefer popular brand-name drugs even if they cost more. Thirty-four percent agree that they are often the first to try the most advanced medicines while 44 percent agree that they prefer alternative medicine to traditional medicine. Eighty-nine percent of Health-Conscious Women agree that vitamin supplements improve one's health.