2014 AAD Election Results


Election ballots were sent to 13,783 eligible voting members of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). A total of 4,178 (30.31%) members returned ballots, according the AAD.

Newly elected officers and directors will officially take office at the conclusion of the 2015 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA on March 24, 2015.

The President-Elect is Abel Torres, MD, JD. Vice President-Elect is Kenneth J. Tomecki, MD. The newly elected Board of Directors are Marc D. Brown, MD, Janet G. Hickman, MD, Mark D. Kaufmann, MD, and Gary S. Wood, MD.

Ronald L. Moy, MD was elected as the Nominating Committee Member Representative.

The proposed dues increase, which had to be approved by a majority of the total votes cast, failed with just 44.29 percent voting to approve in the increase.


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