ASDS Elects New Officers, Board Members


Members of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) have elected a new Vice President and three members of the Board of Directors. Their terms officially began on Oct. 6 at the 2017 ASDS Annual Meeting in Chicago.

Lisa M. Donofrio, MD, succeeds ASDS President Thomas E. Rohrer, MD, who becomes the Society’s Immediate Past President. Dr. Donofrio has been in private practice for 23 years. She owns Aria Dermatology in Madison, CT and co-owns the Etre Cosmetic Dermatology and Laser Center in New Orleans, LA with Kyle Coleman, MD. She is also Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Dermatology at both Yale University School of Medicine and Tulane University School of Medicine. Dr. Donofrio has contributed to various ASDS committees, including the Tradeshow, Annual Meeting and Awards Work Groups; Strategic Planning and Patient Photographic Consent Task Forces; and Physicians Aesthetic Coalition. She is an Assistant Editor of the Dermatologic Surgery journal.

Murad Alam, MD, MBA, ascended to President-Elect. Dr. Alam is the Vice Chair of the Department of Dermatology at Northwestern University, where he also serves as a Professor of Dermatology, Otolaryngology and Surgery and Section Chief of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery. He is currently serving as Chair of the ASDS Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery Fellowship Accreditation and Federal Affairs Work Groups and has served on numerous work groups and task forces. Dr. Alam has served as an AMA Representative on the CPT Advisory Committee since 2008.

Elected as the new Vice President is Adam M. Rotunda, MD, of Newport Beach, CA. He serves as Assistant Clinical Professor in the Division of Dermatology at the University of California Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine and is an Assistant Volunteer Clinical Professor at the University of California Irvine School of Medicine Department of Dermatology. He has served ASDS in multiple capacities over the past 15 years with increasing responsibility. This includes mentorship roles in the Future Leaders Network Program, Resident Preceptorship Program, Visiting Professor Program and International Traveling Mentorship Program, as well as participation in various work groups, task forces and faculties.

“The Board has a fiduciary responsibility to its membership to become their unified voice, despite distinct interests, experiences and practice settings,” said Dr. Rotunda. “I believe we will face a variety of challenges and opportunities advocating for and representing fairly the needs of our members.”

Elected to three-year terms on the ASDS / ASDSA Boards of Directors are: Vince Bertucci, MD, FRCPC, of Woodbridge, ON, Canada; Sabrina Guillen Fabi, MD, of San Diego, CA; and Glenn D. Goldman, MD, of Burlington, VT.

Dr. Bertucci is a faculty member at the University of Toronto Women’s College Hospital. He is Chair of the Leadership Development Work Group and has served as a Future Leaders Network Mentor and on the ASDS Annual Meeting Faculty.

“Having practiced in both an academic and private office environment, I understand many of the issues facing our varied membership,” Dr. Bertucci said. “This background, combined with my ability to build bridges and bring people together, will help me better serve our society and further develop ASDS programs for the next generation of leaders.”

Dr. Fabi is an Associate of Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego and Volunteer Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine Department of Dermatology. She is a member of the Future Leader Network and is the current Chair of the Membership Work Group. Dr. Fabi also has contributed to numerous ASDS and Dermatologic Surgery initiatives.

“I will continue to recruit new members to our organization while encouraging engagement of current ones to increase member retention,” said Dr. Fabi.

Dr. Goldman is Professor and Chief of Dermatology for the University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine Division of Dermatology. He has served as Chair for a variety of the Society’s international work groups and currently serves as a member of the International Dermatologic Surgery Fellowship Program.

“I hope to provide service to ASDS in the areas of coding and reimbursement, legislative work, education, collaborative partnerships and industry innovation,” said Dr. Goldman. “Medicine is changing, and a nimble leadership at ASDS will help us to adapt and thrive.”

Elected as Resident Representative to the ASDS and ASDSA Boards of Directors is Kelly MacArthur, MD. Dr. MacArthur is Chief Resident at Johns Hopkins Hospital Department of Dermatology in Baltimore, MD. The Resident Representative holds a two-year term providing input and guidance to the Society and Association in their efforts to expand outreach and services to dermatology residents.



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