Congrats! ASDSA SUNucate Initiative Named Power of A Gold Award Winner

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The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Association (ASDSA) received a Power of A Gold Award from the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) for its SUNucate initiative.

SUNucate legislation eliminates barriers prohibiting students from possessing and using over-the-counter sunscreen by exempting these products from requirements implemented by broad reaching ‘medication bans’, such as the need for a physician’s note or prescription. The states of Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Utah and Washington have all passed legislation this year which ensures that children are protected from dangerous sun exposure while at school.

“This recognition from ASAE affirms the continued success of our initiative to create a culture of sun-safe behavior in younger generations,” says ASDSA President Thomas E. Rohrer, MD, in a news release. “ASDSA is thrilled to win its first Power of A award and is proud to be leading the SUNucate legislation efforts to help lessen the burden of skin cancer.”

ASDSA shares this award and SUNucate’s success with its 38+ partners, which include national and state health care-related associations and patient groups.


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