Cosmetic Surgery Forum Wraps Seventh Successful Year


Covering topics from the appropriate use of permanent fillers to the role of spirituality in practice, the seventh annual Cosmetic Surgery Forum (CSF) brought together experts from multiple specialties at the Aria in Las Vegas this month. The three-day program included guidance on practice management and planning, discussion of skincare and cosmeceuticals, reviews of disease management, expert analysis of new cosmetic procedures, and ample dialogue between presenters and attendees.

“The audience is an active participant and it’s not just people on the podium who don’t want to listen to the audience,” says Joel Schlessinger, MD, CSF Founder and Program Chair. “We want lively discussion. We encourage debate.” (You can watch Dr. Schlessigner discuss the meeting here.)

Bridging the gap between core specialists, the faculty includes facial plastic and oculoplastic surgeons, along with dermatologists and features international speakers. The dynamic creates opportunity to re-think approaches to patient care. For example, dermatologist Suneel Chilukuri, MD noted that discussion of nasal aesthetics reinforced the notion that dermatologists should not place fillers in areas like the nasal tip that are cosmetically sensitive and anatomically challenging.

A robust discussion emerged about the use of permanent fillers, with injectors from outside the US noting significant problems with granulomas associated with placement of permanent fillers, while those in the US noted differences in formulation and availability in the States, compared to Europe and Canada.

During his keynote address, Michael Greenberg, MD offered tips on bringing spirituality—a humanistic rather than religious concept—into practice. He said it’s all about intimacy, but with a twist. “In to me see,” he said. When you look into the patient and into yourself, that’s when true connections develop, he explained. You can make money and be spiritual, Dr. Greenberg said, but your focus should be on people not possessions.  

As in years past, this year’s program included resident presenters. Check out Practical Dermatology's December 2015 Resident Resource Center to see the list of Top 10 presenters.

—Paul Winnington


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