Cutera Announces International Commercial Launch of AviClear for the Treatment of Acne

Cutera announced the international limited commercial release of AviClear, which the company describes as the first energy-based device FDA-cleared for the long-term treatment of mild, moderate, and severe acne. AviClear is now commercially available, on a limited basis, in the UK, Europe, and Australia. Select practices will begin training on the technology in the coming weeks.
AviClear is a 1726nm laser, which targets and suppresses the production of sebum, thereby treating acne at its source.[1-3] AviClear delivers high power (100W) selectively to the sebaceous glands, the source of sebum production, while protecting surrounding tissue through Cutera’s AviCool contact cooling technology.[3,4] In a clinical trial, 92% of patients were deemed responders to the therapy (resolution of at least half of their acne), with a 79% median reduction in inflammatory lesion count, at the 12-month mark following the final treatment.[1]
At the International Master Course on Aging Science (IMCAS) conference in Paris, February 1-3, David J. Goldberg, MD, JD, presented results of 75 patients treated in his practice with AviClear following the FDA clearance in March 2022. The data demonstrated similar efficacy results, in a real-world environment, as seen in the pivotal study, and highlighted the durability of AviClear’s treatment, with some patients reaching 18 months of follow-up.[5]
Cutera will commence a steady rollout of AviClear across the UK and EU in 2024. Interested providers can visit for more information.
1 Data on file. FDA clearance study. Cutera Inc.
2 O’Neill AM, Gallo RL. Host-microbiome interactions and recent progress into understanding the biology of acne vulgaris. Microbiome. 2018;6:177.
3 Sakamoto FH, et al. Selective photothermolysis to target sebaceous glands: theoretical estimation of parameters and preliminary results using a free electron laser. Lasers Surg Med. 2012;44(2):175-183.
4 Scopelliti MG, et al. Selective photothermolysis in acne treatment: The impact of laser power. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2023;00:1.7. Manuscript in press.
5 Data on file. David J. Goldberg, MD, JD