Dove, Gracie's Corner Join Forces to Educate Families on the CROWN Movement

Dove Gracies Corner Join Forces to Educate Families on the CROWN movement image

The CROWN Act movement recognizes that natural hair is a core aspect of Black culture and should be celebrated rather than stigmatized.

Dove is joining forces with "Gracie's Corner," a children's YouTube series, to celebrate the beauty of natural hair and help educate families about the need to Create a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair. 

In a new short titled "Gracie's CROWN," Gracie explains the importance of loving your hair and the CROWN Act to her audience and their parents.  Since 2018, the CROWN Act and laws inspired by the CROWN Act have passed in 22 states and multiple municipalities, impacting over 30 million Black lives. The CROWN Act movement recognizes that natural hair is a core aspect of Black culture and should be celebrated rather than stigmatized.

This short will kick-off a series of events and initiatives leading up to National CROWN Day on July 3, 2023, a nationwide celebration of Black Hair Independence Day. 

"Gracie's Corner" features an adolescent Black girl named Gracie. The series was created by Gracie, aka Graceyn Hollingsworth, and her parents Dr. Javoris Hollingsworth and Dr. Arlene Hollingsworth, in hopes of creating a space for Black children to be seen on and off the screen. 

"'Gracie's Corner' is an incredible platform for empowering our young children, and we are delighted to work with Dr. Javoris Hollingsworth, Dr. Arlene Hollingsworth, and their daughter Graceyn, to help young children of all ages celebrate their beautiful crowns," says Esi Eggleston Bracey, President & CEO Unilever Personal Care North America, in a news release. "Together, "Gracie's Corner" and Dove are on a mission to drive positive change and inspire a new generation of advocates for equality and representation as part of the ongoing CROWN movement."

In honor of the upcoming short "Gracie's CROWN," there will be a special customizable Instagram filter where parents are able to capture their children and themselves with a celebratory "Gracie's Corner" background.

Parents are invited to participate in the #GraciesCROWNChallenge by using the filter to tell their children how beautiful their crowns are or ask their children why they love their hair. The official Gracie's Corner CROWN filter can be accessed by searching Gracie's CROWN Filter under effects on Instagram.

"Gracie's Corner' is built on the foundation of representation and inclusion. We are thrilled to be a part of the work Dove and the CROWN Coalition are doing to speak out against hair discrimination that continues to be a constant conversation across the country," says Graceyn's father, Dr. Javoris Hollingsworth. "'Gracie's Corner' is an extension of the conversations we have in our home to pour into our children daily to love the versatility of their hair, rich skin tone and being proud to be Black. We hope the "Gracie's Corner" and Dove collaboration sparks conversation and encourages parents to take action by signing the CROWN Act petition," adds Graceyn's mother, Dr. Arlene Hollingsworth. 

Join Dove and "Gracie's Corner" in taking action to #PassTheCROWN and help end race-based hair discrimination by signing the official CROWN Act petition at   

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