FDA Approves PMA Supplement for MelaFind from STRATA Sciences


The FDA has approved STRATA Skin Sciences, Inc.’s PMA supplement for the MelaFind System. The FDA approved MelaFind’s use of the “classifier score data”, a quantitative result derived by the MelaFind System that can be beneficially used in conjunction with the previously approved binary result (yes/no) from the instrument. With the Classifier Score, Dermatologists will be in possession of more complete information when utilizing MelaFind to aid in their decision to biopsy an ambiguous skin lesion.

To provide evidence to support the supplement, STRATA developed a reader study protocol in conjunction with the FDA and conducted a live study at the Fall Clinical Dermatology Conference that took place on October 1, 2015. This study measured the impact of the MelaFind binary result plus classifier score information on a dermatologist’s decision to biopsy suspicious pigmented skin lesions. A total of 160 Board Certified dermatologists participated. 

The results of the study showed average sensitivity (ability to detect disease) increased from 76% before the utilization of MelaFind to 92% following the use of MelaFind. Average specificity (ability to rule out disease) increased from 52% before to 79% after MelaFind utilization. These statistically significant results satisfied the requirements for approval of the PMA Supplement. The full results of the study are being prepared for submission to a peer-reviewed publication.

In conjunction with the acceptance of these study results by the FDA, the Agency agreed that STRATA could terminate the previously required Post Approval Study for MelaFind (“PAS”) that had been underway since 2012 and was expected to continue for several additional years.


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