Dermatologists Can Support Medical, Humanitarian Efforts in Ukraine
These organizations need your help.
Many Americans feel hopeless as they watch images of displaced Ukrainian citizens fleeing their country due to ongoing Russian attacks. EADV President Professor Alexander Stratigos and Secretary General Professor Carmen Salavastru have issued a statement of solidarity with "our fellow dermatologists-venereologists affected by this conflict."
The statement reads, in part, "[EADV] extends its heartfelt support to healthcare professionals, patients, and civilians widely. We remain committed in supporting our colleagues and those in need at this difficult time.
"We call on international organisations to protect all those affected by this humanitarian disaster and urge members of our community to consider supporting relief efforts organised in their own countries."
Organizations on the ground in Ukraine and nearby need support, and many have a medical focus:
Doctors Without Borders
The International Federation of Red Cross
World Central Kitchen
The WHO Foundation
Help Ukraine Together