ISDIN: Broad Spectrum Sun Protection Cream with DNA Repair Beneficial Post AK Treatment

ISDIN has reported promising results of a 9-month, randomized, investigator-blinded parallel-group study in a poster presentation at the Winter Clinical Conference. The study was designed to evaluate clinical effects of a high SPF film-forming emulsion containing photolyase, in comparison to a general sunscreen without photolyase, in patients successfully treated with Photo Dynamic Therapy (PDT), for Actinic Keratosis (AK). The film-forming emulsion containing photolyase, a DNA-repairing enzyme, with a high broad photo-protection action (Ery), was assessed in comparison with a comparable high broad photo-protection sunscreen (SS) in AK subjects after a successful PDT for the treatment of AK lesions of the scalp.
At baseline the mean (SD) number of AK lesions was 6.6(2.8) in Ery group and 8.4(3.0) in SS. Immediately after PDT residual lesions, mean (SD) were 2.6 (2.0) in Ery group and 0.6 (0.5) in SS group (NS). A progressive increase of AK lesions was observed in SS group with a mean lesion number of 3.6(3.8) at the end of study period. In contrast, no increase in AK lesions was observed at the end of the study period in Ery group with a mean (SD) number of 1.0(1.1) lesion in comparison with baseline and with the comparator group (P=0.001). During the 9 month treatment period, while no patients in the Ery group needed a new PDT session, 10 patients out of 15 (66%) in SS group needed a new PDT (P=0.004). No severe skin adverse events related to the study products were observed during the trial in any of the groups.