Modernizing Medicine To Add More Than 800 Jobs in Expansion

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Modernizing Medicine will expand operations and add a total of 838 jobs by 2022. The expansion, to be implemented in the historic Boca Raton Innovation Center (BRIC) in Palm Beach County will result in a capital investment of more than $15 million in the Boca Raton community.

Florida Governor Rick Scott said, “I am proud that Modernizing Medicine will be expanding in Palm Beach County to create more than 800 new jobs which will provide even more families a great career. Companies like Modernizing Medicine are helping Florida become the best state in the nation for job creation while helping our unemployment rate continue to drop. Now, with the $85 million Florida Job Growth Grant Fund, we will ensure that even more job creators can grow and succeed in Florida.”

Headquartered in Boca Raton, Modernizing Medicine was founded in 2010 by chief executive officer Daniel Cane and chief medical and strategy officer Dr. Michael Sherling and has grown to more than 550 employees. 

 “We are extremely excited to expand our presence and create more jobs across a wide range of fields in South Florida. As a Florida-based technology company, it’s not lost on us that we’re in the backyard of where the modern day era of technology was born,” Mr. Cane said in a statement. “We’re proud to work with Enterprise Florida, the City of Boca Raton and the Business Development Board of Palm Beach County to continue to enhance the already stellar reputation as an area of innovation and growth. I look forward to seeing the company’s long-term impact on the community as well as the modernization of medicine.”


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