NEA Introduces New “Focus on Eczema” Campaign for Eczema Awareness Month 2022

NEA's Eczema Awareness Month 2022 is supported by Sanofi Regeneron, AbbVie, Cetaphil, LEO, Eli Lilly, Dermavant and Incyte.
The National Eczema Association (NEA) is rolling out its annual Eczema Awareness Month campaign with an innovative look at the life-altering, non-contagious and inflammatory skin disease that burdens 31.6 million adults and children in the United States (10.1% of the population).
Themed "Focus on Eczema," this year's multi-faceted awareness efforts aim to reduce stigma by building familiarity with and understanding of eczema. Centered on a compelling photographic series and the personal stories of people living with eczema, the NEA community and the public will have many opportunities to see the skin, hear the stories, learn the facts and discover the latest research. Through intriguing images of eight members of the NEA community, photographed by Piper Ferguson, viewers are invited to look more and more closely at the skin of those who are in a state of flaring or have not had a flare in months to better understand the realities of eczema.
Supported by a events, webinars, engagement activities, educational content and support shared virtually and through social media (#FocusonEczema), each week of Eczema Awareness Month will focus on a different aspect of living with eczema, as follows:
- Week 1 (October 1-9): What eczema is … and isn't.
- Week 2 (October 10 - 16): What it's like to live with eczema, taking a closer look at eczema's burden of disease.
- Week 3: (October 17-23) What you can do about eczema, taking a closer look at how to manage and treat eczema — and what future treatment and management might look like.
- Week 4 (October 24-31)—How to manage your eczema, taking a closer look at what it's like to live with eczema on a daily basis and how to do it better.
While the disease burden of eczema can be crushing for sufferers and those who love them, there is great hope for a better future. "We are in an unparalleled era, marked by a growing list of FDA-approved treatments for eczema, new medications in the pipeline, surging scientific research and evolving insights into the lived experiences and preferences of eczema patients—all of which will lead to better therapies, better care, better outcomes, and one day, potentially, a cure for eczema," comments Julie Block, NEA President and CEO.
NEA's Eczema Awareness Month 2022 is supported in part by the following sponsors: Sanofi Regeneron, AbbVie, Cetaphil, LEO, Eli Lilly, Dermavant and Incyte.