News You Can Use: AARS Extends Deadline for Research Grant Applications


Applications for AARS Clinical Research Awards or the AARS Research Scholar Award are due April 28, 2023

The American Acne and Rosacea Society is extending the deadline to apply for an AARS Clinical Research Award ($10K) or the AARS Research Scholar Award ($75K). 

The new application deadline is Friday, April 28, 2023. Applications are available online at

AARS Clinical Research Awards: These research grants aim to advance clinical science, while nurturing young investigators in the field of acne and rosacea. Dermatology residents, research fellows, and recent graduates are encouraged to apply for clinical research grants.

AARS Research Scholar Award: Investigators working at the level of Instructor through associate professor in the field of acne or rosacea are invited to apply for the Research Scholar Award. The individual selected for the award must have a strong career goal within the field of dermatology generally and be dedicated to furthering knowledge concerning acne or rosacea specifically.

"AARS is probably the only organization that funds these smaller research projects to get people into the acne game and rosacea and to support that early research that leads to discoveries that are going to help us move forward," says Diane Thiboutot, MD, past president of the AARS, in a news release.

"The point of the grants is to get young investigators going in acne, give them seed money to get a start," says Guy Webster, MD, Chair of the AARS Grant Committee. "I would like to see grants that are that well thought out from a young investigator with good mentors."

Information and applications are available online: Grant Opportunities | American Acne and Rosacea Society (


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