PellePharm Presents New Data in BCC


PellePharm, a late clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company committed to targeting rare dermatologic conditions at their source, presented new data from its clinical and scientific research programs at the International Investigative Dermatology (IID) Meeting in Orlando, FL. The data, presented in three posters, highlighted PellePharm's lead clinical program, patidegib topical gel, in patients with basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) and epidemiological data on sporadic, high frequency BCCs.

Their first study highlights the recent results from a Phase 2 trial treating patients with Gorlin Syndrome. The company first shared topline data from a Phase 2 study conducted in the UK in July 2017 that showed early promise for topical patidegib for the mitigation of BCC tumors in Gorlin Syndrome. The data being presented at IID include a more recent analysis of that data that shows that patidegib topical gel treated patients developed three-fold fewer new facial BCCs compared to patients treated with vehicle gel for six months (0.4 vs. 1.4 new tumors). Only 16% of patidegib topical gel treated patients developed a new facial BCC compared with 60% in vehicle. PellePharm intends to begin enrollment for a Phase 3 trial starting in July 2018 based on these study results.



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