SCOTUS Upholds Affordable Care Act in King v. Burwell Ruling; AADA and AMA Issue Statements


In a 6-3 ruling in King v. Burwell, the US Supreme Court upheld tax subsidies for the Affordable Care Act.

Steven J. Stack, MD, President of the American Medical Association release a statement on the decision, saying “The American Medical Association (AMA) is relieved that today’s Supreme Court decision will allow millions of patients to continue accessing the health care they need and deserve.

Physicians know that the uninsured live sicker and die younger so the AMA has been a leading voice in support of expanding health insurance access to ensure patients can get the care they require.

The subsidies upheld today help patients afford health insurance so they can see a doctor when they need one and not have to wait until a small health problem becomes a crisis. The subsidies provide patients with peace of mind that they will not risk bankruptcy should they become seriously ill or injured and experience catastrophic health care costs.

With this case now behind us, we hope our country can move forward and continue strengthening our nation’s health care system.”

The American Academy of Dermatology Association (AADA) also issued a statement in Response to King v. Burwell Ruling

Mark G. Lebwohl, MD, FAAD, President, AADA, stated, “The American Academy of Dermatology Association (AADA) is committed to improving access to dermatological care for all patients.

The AADA has voiced its concerns with the Affordable Care Act in the past, but we’ve remained committed to improving the law so that it does not undermine patients’ access to care and treatment or physicians’ ability to treat their patients.  While the Affordable Care Act is not a perfect law, today the Supreme Court found that citizens in state and federal exchanges under the ACA remain eligible to receive federal subsidies to purchase coverage.

While today’s ruling does not change the law, much work remains to be done to improve upon the ACA and to provide access to care for all Americans. The AADA encourages the White House as well as Republicans and Democrats in Congress to come together and continue to improve access to care by addressing the range of issues facing patients, physicians and our health care system. This includes addressing narrowing physician networks and the rising cost of medications and treatments for patients.

One major flaw of the ACA not addressed by today’s decision is that of the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). The IPAB puts important health care payment and policy decisions in the hands of an independent body that lacks accountability. The IPAB has unprecedented power to make indiscriminate cuts that may adversely affect access to health care for patients. The Academy calls on Congress to urgently pass permanent IPAB repeal legislation.”

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