Some Fan-Favorite Sunscreens Don't Adhere to AAD Guidelines


While consumers give rave reviews to some sunscreens, many of these products do not meet American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) guidelines, according to a new article published online by JAMA Dermatology.

Shuai Xu, M.D., M.Sc., of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, and coauthors searched for “sunscreens” on They selected the top 1 percentile of sunscreen products on the e-tailer as of December 2015 according to average consumer review (greater than or equal to four stars) and the highest number of consumer reviews.

There were 6,500 products categorized as “sunscreens” so the top 65 products were selected for analysis. Their median price was $3.32 an ounce; median SPF was 35; creams were most common; 92 percent had broad-spectrum coverage claims and 62 percent were labeled as water or sweat resistant.

Of the highest rated sunscreen products on, 40 percent (26 of 65) did not adhere to AAD criteria (SPF greater than or equal to 30, broad-spectrum claim, and water and/or sweat resistance) and most of that was because they lacked water/sweat resistance, according to the results.

Consumers primarily preferred sunscreens based on cosmetic elegance (skin sensation on application, color or scent), followed by product performance and compatibility with skin type. Study limitations include limited generalizability because of the lack of demographic information on the consumer reviewers.





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