Study Finds Increasing Prices for Prescription Dermatology Drugs Since 2009


A recent study published in JAMA Dermatology found that the price of prescription dermatologic drugs rose considerably from 2009 to 2015, with the vast majority of price increases occurring after 2011.

In an effort to determine the changes in the prices of commonly prescribed dermatologic medications and to identify trends in price increases for different classes of drugs, researchers surveyed four national chain pharmacies about price data on commonly prescribed dermatologic drugs in 2009, 2011, 2014, and 2015. The initial survey requested information on 72 brand-name drugs, while subsequent surveys included 120 additional brand-name drugs and their generic alternatives when available. Based on frequency of prescription, diseases treated, or unusual price increases, 19 brand-name drugs surveyed in all four years were selected for final price trend analysis, which was conducted from August 1 to 15, 2015.

Of the 19 brand-name drugs analyzed, the retail prices of seven were found to have more than quadrupled during the study period. Among the 19 drugs, the mean price increase was 401 percent during the 6-year survey period, with the majority of the price increases occurring after 2011. The survey found that prices of topical antineoplastic drugs had the greatest mean absolute and percentage increase ($10 926.58 [1240 percent]). Prices of drugs in the antiinfective class had the smallest mean absolute increase ($333.99); prices of psoriasis medications had the smallest mean percentage increase (180 percent), according to the study. Prices of acne and rosacea medications were found to have increased a mean of 195 percent, and prices of topical corticosteroids increased by a mean of 290 percent during the study period. The researchers also found that selected generic drugs surveyed in 2011 and 2014 also increased a mean of 279% during the three-year period.

For more about the rising costs of drugs in dermatology, watch a recent episode of Derm Insider with host Neal Bhatia, MD, and guests Jake Levitt, MD and Mark Lebwohl, MD.


—Stefanie Tuelya


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