UV Index Today is Helping to Reduce Skin Cancer Rates with Web Technology
The UV Index Today website provides free forecasts for more than 40,000 cities in the United States.
UV Index Today launched their free UV forecasting service to help people track the sun’s ultraviolet radiation
"Over three million people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year and many of these cases could have been prevented with proper sun protection," says Stephen Sandecki, Principal at UV Index Today, in a news release. "We are helping educate people on the dangers of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun and what times exposure should be limited or avoided all together."
The UV Index Today website provides free forecasts for more than 40,000 cities in the United States. These forecasts include the real-time UV index, the current day's hourly UV index and the hourly forecast for the next five days. "Everyone loves the outdoors, but many people don't realize the dangers of unprotected sun exposure," Sandecki adds. "The only way we're going to reduce skin cancer rates is through education of the dangers of ultraviolet radiation exposure."
They are in the early stages of building out educational resources for people to learn about ultraviolet radiation, the UV index and Sun protection methods. In mid-2022 they plan to expand their forecasting to other countries in North America, with the goal of full global coverage by mid-2023.