Vial Connects with Advisory Board at 2022 Maui Dermatology Conference

Vial Connects with Advisory Board at 2022 Maui Dermatology Conference image

Vial, in conjunction with the 2022 Maui Dermatology Conference, is hosting an Advisory Board co-hosted by Leon Kircik, MD, FAAD. Dr. Kircik and Vial, along with leading research sites, will discuss and collaborate on how Vial can continue to help grow dermatology research sites and tackle the biggest challenges facing dermatology researchers today.

Launched earlier this year, under the tag line, “The CRO Built for Sponsors”, the Vial Dermatology CRO promises higher quality and faster execution of trials powered by the Vial Clinic Network of over 35 Dermatology clinics across the country.

The Vial Dermatology CRO team, led by Betsey Zbyszynski as Head of Clinical Operations, Jason Shuris as Head of Sales, Janet DuBois, M. as Medical Director, Justin Withers as Head of Dermatology, and Mamta Hunt as Head of Quality, also met with advisory board members at the recent Winter Clinical 2022 Meeting.

The Vial executive team is attending the 2022 Maui dermatology conference to engage with sponsors leading the forefront of Dermatology research and top research sites. The Vial executive team will incorporate the Advisory Board feedback from dermatology research sites into the Vial Dermatology strategy and release a whitepaper on the website highlighting the feedback.

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