World Atopic Eczema Day Focuses on Disease Awareness

As patient communities worldwide join forces to raise awareness about atopic eczema, the International Alliance of Dermatology Patient Organisations (GlobalSkin) and the global atopic eczema community call on healthcare professionals, health policy decision makers, and all stakeholders to unite with patients on World Atopic Eczema Day.
Despite its high prevalence, eczema often is dismissed as “just a skin condition,” and patients may not receive needed interventions for the symptoms of the disease—both visible on the skin and invisible. More than 230 million people around the world have eczema. But according to statistics cited by GlobalSkin, 62% of those affected still name multidisciplinary treatment plan as their top care priority. Similarly, 46% of patients and 58% of caregivers have indicated that disagreements between care provider guidelines are among their top three issues resulting in poorly integrated primary and specialty care. Nearly half of patients must pay out-of-pocket expenses for basic treatments recommended by their healthcare providers.
“As a global community, we mark September 14, 2021, as World Atopic Eczema Day. We unite to raise awareness for the disease and the impact it has on the millions of patients and caregivers worldwide. We recognize and validate the emotional toll and financial burden atopic eczema can have and how this multidimensional disease impacts mental health, restricts life, and often leads to increased risk for the development of other conditions,” says Jennifer Austin, Chief Executive Officer (interim), GlobalSkin.
Healthcare professionals and policymakers are invited to show support for patients and families who live with this disease by sharing patient messages and addressing the systemic barriers to care and to use #UniteForAtopicEczema and #AtopicEczemaDay.