Zilxi from Vyne Therapeutics Now Available

Zilxi™ (minocycline) topical foam, 1.5% is now available by prescription for the treatment of inflammatory lesions of rosacea in adults. Zilxi, from Vyne Therapeutics, Inc. is the first minocycline product of any form to be approved by the FDA for use in rosacea, a diverse skin condition that most commonly presents with symptoms such as deep facial redness, spider veins (telangiectasia) and acne-like inflammatory lesions (papules and pustules). This new once-daily therapy will be available in retail, community and specialty pharmacies nationwide.
"Patients and physicians have been seeking new treatment options for rosacea, a condition that can be difficult to treat, leaving many patients dissatisfied and, in some cases, switching treatments multiple times or discontinuing altogether," saysDavid Domzalski, Chief Executive Officer of Vyne. "By combining a unique topical delivery system for minocycline with strong efficacy and tolerability, ZILXI is positioned to address a very challenging skin condition in a way that could change treatment considerations for rosacea."
The Company also announced that the annual list price of Zilxi will be $485 per 30-gram canister, in parity with the wholesale price of Amzeeq® (minocycline) topical foam, 4%, the Company's topical minocycline indicated for the treatment of inflammatory lesions of non-nodular moderate to severe acne vulgaris in adults and pediatric patients 9 years of age and older. The Company is working to align contracts with commercial insurers, expanding efforts previously undertaken for Amzeeq, to offer the broadest possible access to ZILXI for patients and healthcare professionals.
Vyne has also developed a multi-channel tactical marketing plan to reach customers, including deployment of the existing sales force to targeted rosacea-treating providers.