Showing 4951-4960 of 7167 results for "".
- Amorepacific Introduces the World's First Chip-less Wireless Electronic Skin Enabled by Semiconductors has developed the world's first chip-less wireless wearable electronic skin (e-skin) that is sweatproof and can continuously monitor skin changes over long periods of time. The result follows four years of joint research between Professor Professor&
- Joe Jonas Named New Xeomin Brand Partner Jonas is the latest Xeomin (incobotulinumtoxinA) brand partner, Merz Aesthetics announced. The U.S. partnership with Jonas kicks off a new ‘Beauty on Your Terms’ campaign for Xeomin and represents the first time the singer, songwr
- Online Extra: Let’s Talk About Truncal Acne often trivialized as a cosmetic skin disease, acne is in fact an inflammatory skin condition with a complex pathogenesis associated with a significant physical and psychological burden. Approximately 50% of people with facial acne also have truncal acne manifesting on the back, shoulders, a
- Researchers Discover New Approach to Healing Skin Infections, Wounds research may lead to advancements in treating bacterial infections and wounds. Monocytes alone are capable of facilitating faster healing of wounds. Monocytes help the healing process by regulating leptin levels and blood vessel growth during wound repair. They also produce ghrelin,
- National Academies Call on EPA to Study Sunscreen Effects on Aquatic Ecosystems to concern about the deleterious effect of ultraviolet filters on aquatic ecosystems and the species that live within them, including coral, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is urging the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to carry out
- Expert FDA Panel Recommends Skin Lesion Analyzers and Apps for Skin Cancer Detection Keep Class III Status FDA held a meeting with the Medical Devices Advisory Committee in late July to gather expert advice on the regulation of AI driven, skin lesion analyzers (SLAs) and Apps for skin cancer detection. Panel members urged caution for skin cancer detection SLAs and Apps and stressed the need for mo
- Lilly's Taltz Now Available in Citrate-Free Formulation's Taltz® (ixekizumab) is now available in a new, citrate-free formulation to reduce injection site pain. The new formulation, which was recently approved by The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in May 2022, includes the same active ingredient as the original formula
- FDA Approves JUVÉDERM VOLUX XC for Jawline Definition U.S. FDA has given its nod to JUVÉDERM VOLUX XC for the improvement of jawline definition in adults over the age of 21 with moderate to severe loss of jawline definition. "The approval of JUVÉDERM VOLUX XC represents the largest leap in innovation for ou
- FDA Nod for Stelara in Pediatric Psoriatic Arthritis FDA approved Stelara (ustekinumab) for the treatment of pediatric patients six years of age and older with active psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Stelara is a fully human monoclonal antibody that selectively inhibits both interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-23, two cytokines thought to
- CeraVe, Top Derms, and Skincare Enthusiasts Partner to Teach Consumers to #CleanseLikeaDerm is teaming up with board-certified dermatologists and two of the biggest dermatologist influencers on social media today – Dr. Dustin Portela (@208skindoc) and Dr. Michelle Henry (@drmichellehenry) – to host a global livestreamed event with skincare enthusiast and content creat