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Skin Checks and Patient Education on Actinic Keratoses skin checks, it's important for dermatologists to educate patients, especially younger ones, about the extent of sun damage and the benefits of field treatments. Anthony Rossi, MD and Vishal Patel, MD discuss their approaches.Sunscreen Advancements: What to Know sunscreen formulations are enhancing protection for more patients.Owner Succession Planning business owner succession is important no matter where you are in your business’s life-cycle.AI is Transforming Google. What’s it Mean for Your SEO Strategy? content remains important as Google search algorithms become better able to “think” about search queries.Acne Treatment Strategies F. Webster, MD, PhD shares acne management strategies that are effective for patients and help minimize use of antibiotics. He also discusses the continued role for isotretinoin for the right candidates.DermWireTV: Pfizer, AbbVie JAKs for AD; Spray-on-Skin; Lubriderm Scholarships the treatment of refractory moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis, FDA has approved Pfizer’s Cibinqo (abrocitinib) for adults and AbbVie’s Rinvoq (upadacitinib) for patients 12 and older. Researchers at the Houston Methodist Research Institute have paired their patented RNA technologies with AvitSetting Things Straight: Medical Myths exists in all of life, including medicine. Physicians who cling to long-held myths may end up providing sub-optimal patient care. Eric Bernstein, MD and colleagues set the record straight.Managing Skin Disease in Cancer Patients reactions to cancer therapeutics can lead to difficult-to-manage rashes. Biologics can present an effective, appropriate option, but dermatologists need to know which biologics to select and when. Anisha Patel, MD provides an overview.Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Prevalent "Rare" Disease recognizing that hidradenitis suppurativa is far more prevalent than once believed, research has also elucidated disease mechanisms, comorbidities, and pain pathways. Haley Naik, MD provides important updates on this previously neglected disease.Toxic Attitudes Toward Skin Bleaching ingredients intended for skin lightening and bleaching range from the toxic to the simply unproven. Seemal Desai, MD says dermatologists should educate patients about physician-recommended, well-studied treatments and the risks of unregulated products. He highlights increased attention t