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Hoya ConBio - Medlite Demo demo on the benefits on using Medlite and how it can improve your practice.Dermatology Q&A: Treating Melasma and Photoaging Without Hydroquinone recently unveiled skin brightening cream may signal a new direction in the treatment and prevention of pigmentation disorders.Pearls for Management of Steroid-Responsive Dermatoses side effects to therapeutic combinations to consider, here is an update on the latest approaches to management of steroid-responsive dermatoses.Business Advisor: Telephone Receptionists Can Make or Break a Practice to successfully manage phone calls and boost patients' experiences before they set foot in your practice.Mycosis Fungoides: Diagnosis and Work-up of Early Stage Disease ability to differentiate MF from mimickers permits early diagnosis and treatment, potentially improving long-term outcomes.The Contract: A Tool for Mapping the Future physician extenders focus on compensation and benefits without recognizing the importance of the contract in anticipating the “What ifs” in practice.Aesthetics Update: A Q&A With Modern Aesthetics® editors Saami Khalifian, MD, and Kay Durairaj, MD, FACS world of aesthetic medicine is rapidly evolving, from next-generation polynucleotides and biostimulators to shifts in patient demands and perceptions of beauty. To discuss the latest trends in aesthetics, Practical Dermatology® turned to its sister publication, Modern Aesthetics®, and new ChiefASDS: Ethics and Social Media Panel Discussion Fatima Fahs, Kavita Mariwalla, DiAnne Davis, and Evan Rieder recap key points from their panel discussion on ethics and social media at the 2024 American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Annual Meeting.Exploring the Role of AI in Predicting Early-stage Melanoma Recurrence Rate tumor thickness and mitotic rate are the most predictive features.Three Essential Steps to YouTube Marketing Success basic marketing strategies—plus some of YouTube’s unique principles—to market your practice.