Currents: Minimally Invasive Aesthetics

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RealSelf Survey: More than 1 in 3 US Adults are Considering Nips/Tucks

One in three adults (37 percent) in the US are considering at least one cosmetic treatment in the next 12 months, with significantly more considering nonsurgical procedures (34 percent) than surgical ones (24 percent), according to the RealSelf Aesthetics Interest Survey.

Four in five (80 percent) adults report there is at least one part of their body they would like to change, most notably the midsection (abdomen or back, 47 percent) and teeth (33 percent); and close to a quarter (24 percent) report they have had at least one cosmetic treatment in the past.

Interest in cosmetic treatments transcends gender and age, although interest is highest among younger adults, who have yet to enter middle age. In fact, US adults under 45 (49 percent) are nearly twice as likely as those 45 and older (28 percent) to be considering a surgical or nonsurgical treatment in the next 12 months. Interest in such treatments is equally distributed among women (37 percent) and men (38 percent).

“The rise of nonsurgical technologies and new treatment options have made aesthetics more accessible to a wider audience, and patients in their twenties and thirties are certainly helping fuel that trend,” says Lara Devgan, MD, RealSelf Chief Medical Officer and New York City plastic surgeon, in a news release. “For millennials in particular, cosmetic treatments have become part of a larger self-care routine. Just as they are more aware of skin health and the importance of sunscreen, they too are open to exploring treatments that reverse signs of aging or optimize facial features.”

Among those considering nonsurgical treatments, cosmetic dentistry (36 percent) and nonsurgical fat reduction (29 percent) topped the list, whereas the highest interest in surgical options were reported for tummy tuck (32 percent) and liposuction (26 percent).

Among those who have had cosmetic treatments or are considering them in the next 12 months, the top motivation was/is to improve self-esteem and confidence (43 percent, See table). Other motivations are to look as good as one feels (34 percent) and to help with weight loss or fat removal (32 percent).

Life events may also influence the decision to pursue cosmetic work; nearly three in five (58 percent) of those who have had a cosmetic treatment or are considering one in the next 12 months reported a life event influenced their decision. This is significantly greater among men (71 percent) than women (46 percent). Work-related events were cited most often, with more than one in four (26 percent) influenced by the desire to appear youthful at work and/or looking for or starting a new job, followed by a milestone birthday (15 percent), and starting dating or a new relationship (14 percent).

Men are twice as likely as women to cite wanting to appear youthful at work or looking for/starting a new job as influencing their decision. Men are also three times more likely than women to say entering the dating world or starting a new relationship influenced their decision.

The survey was conducted online by The Harris Poll on behalf of RealSelf from July 10-12, 2018 among 2,052 US adults ages 18 and older, among whom 862 have had cosmetic treatments or are considering them in the next 12 months.

Allergan Launches Spotlyte: Digital Hub Will Educate Consumers About Medical Aesthetic Treatments

Allergan has launched Spotlyte, described as an innovative digital hub of curated content that helps consumers discover how medical aesthetic treatments may fit into their routines. Spotlyte is the first venture from the new Allergan-owned digital ventures unit, Project Moonwalker, which is dedicated to creating consumer facing businesses that unlock opportunities in the medical aesthetics category.

Spotlyte promises well-researched content, product reviews and insider profiles, together with the latest beauty news and trends, offering a holistic and informative lens into these worlds. Spotlyte will provide access to a team of trained specialists ready to offer real-time support and chat directly with anyone considering medical aesthetic treatments, as well as help connect readers to local licensed providers.

In keeping with its stated goal of educating consumers and providing well researched and accurate information on medical aesthetics, the site is brand agnostic.

“We have a unique position as industry leaders to identify emerging trends in real time and change the way that consumers engage with medical aesthetics,” said Alexandra Wilkis Wilson. “I have spent most of my career focused on the consumer while creating powerful brands at the intersection of technology and lifestyle. The core goal of Project Moonwalker is to enable information flow and access. Spotlyte is the first step in changing how consumers can become better educated on medical aesthetics.”

“As the market leader in medical aesthetics, we have the opportunity and the responsibility to properly educate consumers and mainstream the conversation around aesthetic treatments. We want to create an open dialogue by incorporating medical aesthetics into the overall aesthetics conversation,” said Brent Saunders, CEO of Allergan. “We believe the medical aesthetics market will double in five to seven years.”

New ASDS 2018 Survey Results Released

Almost 70 percent of consumers are considering a cosmetic treatment, and more than half would prefer to pay more up front to lower their annual skin care costs, according to the 2018 American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) Consumer Survey on Cosmetic Dermatologic Procedures.

Excess fat—on any part of the body—remained the top concern for consumers for the sixth year in a row at 86 percent. Skin discoloration is an increasing concern and tied for the second spot this year reinforcing the need for ongoing sun protection education. In addition, more than 70 percent are bothered by excess fat under the chin/neck and skin, lines and wrinkles around the eyes, and skin texture and/or discoloration. Other areas of concern receiving more than 60 percent of consumers’ votes are wrinkles in the mid-face, in the forehead area, between the eyebrows, neck, and check, and overall sagging facial skin.

New to the survey this year were questions regarding consumers’ skincare product choices. The majority of consumers are spending up to $100 per month on skincare products. More than half said they would prefer to pay more up front to lower their skin care costs annually

For the sixth year, dermatologists ranked as the first of 14 factors influencing consumers’ decision to have a cosmetic procedure. Dermatologists were the top influencer for consumers’ skincare product purchases.

“Patients continue to trust ASDS member dermatologists to offer advanced treatment options and top-tier quality care,” says ASDS President Lisa Donofrio, MD. “ASDS members are board-certified dermatologists that possess the training and artistic acumen to help patients look and feel their best.”

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