HIFEM Plus Biostimulator for Rounder Buttocks
Emsculpt (BTL Aesthetics) is a novel technology that uses high frequency electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to induce super-intense muscle contractions or supramaximal contractions—almost 20,000 forced muscle contractions in a 30-minute session for the abdominals, for example—in order to induce an increase in the number of muscle fibers (hyperplasia), and growth of existing muscle fibers. Intensive lipolysis is seen after treatment.
Data have documented improvements in muscle tone and fat reduction at three months after a treatment cycle (four treatments over two weeks) with continued improvement at six months.
Emsculpt was initially cleared with protocols for treatment of the abdomen and buttocks and has since added applicators for the arms and thighs.

Patient shown before (left) and after Emsculpt plus Sculptra. The 32-year-old woman, weighed150lbs (5’ 9”). She received injections of Sculptra on two separate occasions, followed by a cycle of Emsculpt.
Buttock treatment is appealing to many patients in my practice. It is a safe alternative to other techniques for buttock enhancement. Treatment with Emsculpt is shown to provide a lift and tone to the buttock muscles. There can be some reduction in fat, as well. However, the overall effect of treatment has been to increase the appearance of a fuller but less “flabby” buttock.
Despite the impressive results I have seen with buttock treatments—across a range of ages and body types—some patients have benefited from the adjunctive placement of a semi-permanent biostimulator in addition to HIFEM treatment.
The patient shown is a 32-year-old woman who had previously had liposuction of the abdomen. She presented with complaint of flat buttocks.
I injected four vials (12cc) of Sculptra (poly-L-lactic. Galderma) to each buttock at visit 1. At visit 2, three months later, I injected six vials (18cc) into each buttock. She returned after four months for a cycle of HIFEM application (twice weekly HIFEM over two weeks). The result is a rounder, fuller, and more lifted buttocks, as shown.
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- Aesthetics & Cosmeceuticals
Aesthetics Update: A Q&A With Modern Aesthetics® editors Saami Khalifian, MD, and Kay Durairaj, MD, FACS