Media formats available:

Making a podcast is easy. All you need is a smart phone to record it and an internet connection to upload. There is no need for any deep technical knowledge to do this. Podcasting may be ideal for dermatology marketers looking to publicize their practices in an affordable manner. However, the challenge is that the ease of creating podcasts has also led to a deluge of podcasts on the internet, so it’s essential to stand out.

Make Your Podcasts Stand Out

Anyone who is serious about podcasting should be familiar with the fundamental promotion techniques, such as listing the podcast on online directories like Spotify, Google PlayMusic, and iTunes. This will help fans locate it easily. However, to make the maximum impact, adhere to these strategies when advertising your dermatology podcast.

Post Regularly

There is no doubt about the value of publicizing podcast episodes beforehand via social media. This informs fans in advance, and a few may also forward the link to their friends. This is likely to happen if you will be chatting with a guest they like or dealing with a topic they are interested in knowing more about.

A related blog post can also help you promote the podcast. If either your guest or you talks of any websites, products, or services, be sure to give relevant links in the resource section of the blog post dealing with every individual episode.

Tie Up With Other Podcasters For Effective Cross-promotion

Compile a list of some popular podcasts that might keep your audience engaged. Get in touch with these podcasters to showcase each other’s episodes. This may result in both of you roping in new listeners.

You can invite one of the podcasters to participate in your dermatology podcast while you appear on their show. You can also incorporate a short clip from their show in your regular podcast. These quick steps can enhance cross-promotion efforts.

Seek Corporate Sponsors

Companies will sponsor you even if you do not have a massive audience. If you will be mentioning a particular dermatology service or product in an episode, get in touch with the seller. Find out if they would be alright with sponsoring your show by means of a free promotional give-away, a small contribution, or publicizing your podcast through their social media accounts. Quite a few are likely to respond positively.

Turn Your Audio Podcast into a Video

Without a doubt, audio podcasts offer entertainment, comfort, and useful information as people exercise, commute to work, or are busy doing chores. There are likely to be followers who can only listen to episodes, while others might like to see you and your guests. Convert one of your podcasts into a video and post it on Vimeo or begin a YouTube channel. This will take your podcast to a larger audience and bring in new followers.

Make Use of Marketing Campaigns of Expert Guests

Guests that you feature on your podcast to publicize dermatology services or products are likely to have a marketing campaign in play.

Even if they do not have many followers, request them to mention your podcast on social media or other marketing channels. This will provide you access to a whole new audience.

Use Give-aways to Attract Your Audience

Getting small souvenirs made featuring your podcast’s logo or that of your dermatology practice, for free distribution, is a good way of achieving major marketing goals.

Not only do these souvenirs publicize your podcast, they will be attractive to fans. Introduce simple online contests and give these souvenirs away to your followers. For instance, the first five who share your podcast get one each.

Set Up an Event for Fans to Meet Up in Person

Irrespective of whether your dermatology practice is focused locally or not, there are bound to be followers scattered across a distance. The most enthusiastic followers will mostly be happy to meet others who are like-minded.

As your fan following increases, you can think about putting together a meet-up or event in the community to get to know your listeners better and interact with them in person.


This Ekwa Marketing video explains how you can achieve higher search rankings for your dermatology videos.

Produce a Compilation of Interesting Tidbits

Start working towards this episode from the time you air your first podcast. Keep tabs on interesting clips from each episode and collate the excerpts from these. Over a period of time—say a year or so—put them all together tastefully into a special episode with commentary and introductions for each clip.

This will quickly help new listeners get acquainted with what you are all about. It might even prompt them to search the archives for particular episodes that they found interesting or informative for in-depth listening.

Present Your Podcast In Front of a Live Audience

Once your dermatology podcast gets a steady following, you can think of taking it to a live audience. You can do this by speaking at a conference or recording an episode at a community event. This way you will also get to interact with new followers and know what they need and expect from your podcasts. This can enhance your audience networking and engagement significantly.

Base an eBook on Your Most Popular Podcasts

For some, speaking is an easier way of communicating than typing. So turning podcasts into book form is a good idea. With the help of analytics, you can pinpoint the episodes that had the greatest reach. Transcribe the podcasts yourself or get someone to do it for you. Speech recognition software can also help you with transcription.

With these transcripts, come up with an ebook to be distributed online, shared on social media, and on your dermatology website. It can also be downloaded on tablets, ebook readers, and smart phones. And do not forget to include in the ebook a link back to your podcast.

Talk It Out

The right kind of publicity for your podcast can increase your dermatology practice’s opportunities. The increase in podcast audience will also bring about a growth in online visibility for your dermatology website. There are bound to be a larger number of people talking about you and your practice on social media, which will help you build a solid online reputation.

Naren Arulrajah is President and CEO of Ekwa Marketing, a complete internet marketing company that focuses on SEO, social media, marketing education, and the online reputations of dermatologists. With a team of 180+ full time marketers, helps dermatologists who know where they want to go, get there by dominating their market and growing their business significantly year after year. If you have questions about marketing your practice online, call 855-598-3320 to speak one-on-one with Naren.

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