Research Update
Sunscreens Found Safe in Permeation Studies
Although sunscreen skin permeation may depend on many factors, commercial products are safe under normal “in use” conditions, according to a new study. Investigators evaluated in vitro release and permeation through human skin of two UV-filters, octyl methoxycinnammate (OMC) and butyl methoxydibenzoyl methane (BMBM) from six commercial O/W emulsions and estimated their margin of safety (MoS). Using permeation data from Franz-type diffusion cells, the researchers found that OMC in vitro skin permeation depended on both its concentration and vehicle composition, while BMBM skin permeation depended on its release from the vehicle. They concluded that the MoS in both filters were well beyond the lowest limit accepted for safe products.
—Pharmazie. 2013 Jan; 68(1): 34-40.
Insurance Premiums Rise; Focus shifts to PReventive Services
The average premium for family private employer-based health insurance coverage will reach nearly $25,000 by 2020, acoording to a new analysis. However, if annual premium growth slowed by just one percentage point, by 2020 employers and families would save $2,029 annually. The Affordable Care Act, taking effect currently, intends to reduce costs; Expansion of preventive health services is one strategy for cost containment.
—Issue Brief (Commonw Fund) 31:1-39
Nanoparticulate Zinc Oxide Found Not to Affect Redox State of Epidermis
The level of exposure and penetration of nanoparticulate zinc oxide (ZnO-NP) contained in sunscreens and other cosmetic products is not sufficient to affect the redox state of viable cells, a new study suggests. Researchers assessed exposure by the extent of ZnO-NP penetration into the viable epidermis and hazard by changes in the viable epidermal redox state for a number of topical products. In assessing the effect of ZnO-NP in the epidermis, researchers examined the role of particle coating, formulation used, and the presence of any enhancers. Coated and uncoated ZnO-NP remained in the superficial layers of the SC and in the skin furrows. There was limited penetration of coated ZnO-NP dispersed in a water-in-oil emulsion formulation. However, the presence of ZnO-NP in the viable epidermis did not alter the metabolic state or morphology of cells. The study concludes that some limited penetration of coated and uncoated ZnO-NP may occur into viable stratum granulosum epidermis, but the extent is not sufficient to affect the redox state of those viable cells.
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DermWireTV Extra: Dr. Bhatia and Dr. Schlesinger Discuss Collaboration With Oncologists