DefenAge® Skincare Trio Performs Well in New Study

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Progenitor Biologics’ DefenAge® Skincare, a-three-step system “globally improves the visual appearance of aging skin without irritation, dryness, or inflammation,” according to new research in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (JDD).

The participant- and investigator -blinded, placebo-controlled, multi-center trial was performed in outpatient settings on forty-four female subjects, 41-71 years old, skin types I-V. The evaluation was performed at baseline, 6 and 12 weeks. The DefenAge 3-step system (Clinical Power Trio) includes: 2-Minute Reveal Masque, 24/7 Barrier Balance Cream and 8-in-1 BioSerum.  

“The defensin skin care regimen resulted in statistically significant improvements in ALL five parameters in patients simultaneously including decreased visible fine and coarse wrinkles, pore size and visible pigmentation. Study participants also demonstrated improvement in skin’s oiliness, evenness, hydration and a number of other crucial skin’s qualities” says the study’s principal Amy Forman Taub, MD, in a news release. “DefenAge results in profound improvements in the visible health and beauty of the skin that are readily apparent to even the untrained eye.” Dr. Taub is the Medical Director and Founder of Advanced Dermatology/skinfo, with offices in Lincolnshire and Glencoe, IL. She is also an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Northwestern University Medical School.

The earlier-published pre-clinical research shows that defensins activate dormant preserve of “fresh” cells in the body, LGR6-positive stem cells. “After activation, LGR6-positive stem cells physically migrate into the basal layer of the skin and create a new epidermis, and eventually, new, younger-acting skin,” explains the study’s co-investigator, Gregory Keller, MD, a facial plastic surgeon in Santa Barbara, Calif. “The defensin-based anti-agingt echnology is an authentic paradigm shift that I see only once per decade.”

“The results showed that the defensin-containing trio of prod­ucts offer most of the advantages of time-honored retinols as well as newer but widely used growth-factor containing cosme­ceuticals, without irritation or inflammation, sun-sensitivity, or concerns about neoplasia of the treated skin,” adds the study’s co-investigator, Vivian Bucay, MD, a dermatoloosgtsi in San Antonio, Texas. “The observed clinical results put DefenAge Skincare into the best-in-class category without doubt, this is a landmark product.”



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