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All About Acne in 2017 Linda Stein Gold, MD discusses new directions in acne treatment.Cures All will the 21st Century Cures Act mean for dermatologists?Health Care Reform, Reformed President-elect has vowed to dismantle the ACA—maybe. Practical Dermatology® investigates what TrumpCare may mean for dermatologists.Cash Flow: Beyond the Basics to use cash flow to your advantage and maximize business capital.Practice Consolidation: Wave of the Future? consolidation is yesterday's news. More and more small practices are joining larger groups.Advances in Treating NMSC Goldenberg discusses the benefits of timed sequential therapy using two modalities — destructive therapy followed by field therapy — for actinic keratoses. He also talks about treatment options for advanced basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and merkel cell carcinoma.What Do You Expect? Emmy Graber, MD and Seemal R. Desai, MDDo you always show prospective patients your best photos? Sometimes it's good to show the average result. Dr. Graber discusses this and other aspects of expectation management for cosmetic interventions.Benchside Dispatches: Pruritus interview with Gil Yosipovitch, MDUnderstanding the Cosmetic Patient Hurt, Marketing Director for Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology at CareCredit, shares insights on the research and buying habits of cosmetic surgery patients gleaned from The Path to Purchase Study.Laser Advice for Early Adopters“Fat melting is not a passing phase,” says Amy Forman Taub, MD. The technology is in its infancy, but applications will expand, she says. Dr. Taub, a laser and device expert offers suggestions on evaluating and choosing devices for a cosmetic practice. Generations