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Using Social Media to Boost Exposure for Your Dermatology Blog Post are some creative ideas to widen the reach of your blog post on various social media networks.To Be Shorr: Negotiate with Confidence when and how to negotiate is key. Sometimes, the best outcome is possible when a third party negotiates on your behalf. Jay Shorr explains in this edition of To Be Shorr.Wondering with Steve and Sabrina: Mexico in the Baja Desert, Steven Dayan, MD and Sabrina Fabi, MD discover the benefits of Lomboy, a plant that can be used for sun protection. While natural isn't always better (think poison ivy), Lomboy is widely used to protect the skin because it produces a thick white paste. (C) Steven Dayan,2015 Fourth Quarter Tax Saving Tips to do now to save $10,000-$25,000 or more on your 2015 taxes.Travelers Beware: Infectious Skin Dermatoses Rosen, MD and Natasha Mesinkovska, MD talk to Derm Insider host Neal Bhatia, MD about traveler maladies that affect the skin. Drs. Rosen and Mesinkovska run down diagnostic and treatment pearls for conditions ranging from parasitic infections to bed bug bites to emerging infections. They alStrategies to Optimize Your Dermatology Website for Bing Search Google's dominance in the business of online searching, Microsoft's Bing is an important search engine.Rich Snippets - What are they, and why you should be using them? snippets—those brief descriptions that appear with search engine results—can be essential to improving SEO and growing traffic for your practice. They quickly offer insight about your business. Learn how to use them optimally in this Ekwa Educational video.Pipeline Watch: Sizing Up a Promising Phase III IL-17 Biologic Watch is a new Q&A feature appearing periodically in Practical Dermatology® that explores the potential of therapeutic agents currently under investigation. In each edition, we will speak with investigators from manufacturing companies to gain insights about the development and investigRecently Passed Law Clears Way for New Sunscreen Ingredients forcing the FDA to clear its backlog of sunscreen ingredients pending review, The Sunscreen Innovation Act is a major win for UV protection efforts.Social Media: Top Platforms for Your Practice Ekwa Educational Video ( What platforms are best for your practice's social media goals? Learn about the options and how to best use them to engage with patients.