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DermWireTV: Birch Triterpenes Gel Gets FDA Approval for EB, VTE Risk is Lower in Patients with AD, and Are Topical Steroids Affecting Bone Health? birch bark extract topical from Chiesi Global Rare Diseases represents the latest in treatment approvals for epidermolysis bullosa. Patients with atopic dermatitis may have a decreased risk for developing venous thromboembolism. Commonly prescribed topical steroids may raise some patients' risk foAncillary Services and Alternative Revenue Streams for Dermatologists have many opportunities to use their skills beyond patient care.Shifting Paradigms on Lentigo Maligna to Ashfaq Marghoob, MD, current research supports individualizing treatment of lentigo maligna (LM) based on what is the best therapeutic option, from active surveillance to surgery to radiation to imiquimod."Psleep": Psoriasis and Sleep “invisible” impacts of psoriasis are those not directly seen on examination. These include itch, pain, fatigue and sleep dysfunction, which may be improved by our systemic therapies. However, there is a gap between the patients’ reporting of these experienced invisible impacts and their physiciaTaking It On The Chin: Kybella vs. CoolSculpting for Reduction of Submental Fat least two noninvasive modalities that specifically target double chins can be used alone or together.Employee Engagement: A Key Success Factor in the Workplace for increasing productivity and satisfaction among staff.Scurvy in the Modern Era of the winning presentations given by dermatology residents at Cosmetic Surgery Forum.Understanding the Role of Natural Moisturizing Factor in Skin Hydration collectively called natural moisturizing factor (NMF) that occur naturally in the skin can be delivered topically to treat xerotic, dry skin.Making Hair Care Safer for Skin Rubin, Founder and Chief Medical Officer of SEEN, discusses how hair care products can cause a variety of skin issues, and the process in which she developed SEEN hair care.SCALE 2024: Dr. Michael Gold Recaps the Show and Previews 2025 Gold, MD, FAAD, Course Co-Director for Music City SCALE, discusses the growth of the event over the years, highlights from 2024, and what to expect next year.