Resident Resource Center
Episodes 65-80 of 96
- Resident Resource Center
Word of Mouth: Which Review Sites Carry the Most Weight?
- Resident Resource Center
Sclerodermoid Reaction Due to Injection of Fish Oil
- Resident Resource Center
Patients' Perspectives of Dermatology Residents; Setting a Practice Apart
- Resident Resource Center
Resolution of Primary Erythromelalgia Following Ibuprofen; Fire Power
- Resident Resource Center
Rare Conjunctival Melanoma; Simulation Techniques to Help Empathize with Melanoma Patients
- Resident Resource Center
Honey for Recurrent Minor Aphthous Ulcers; Foundations for an Online Initiative
- Resident Resource Center
A Case of Orf; Creating a Business Plan
- Resident Resource Center
Jejunal Trichobezoar in a 3-year-old Boy; Practice Path MD Pro Tip: Architects
- Resident Resource Center
Evaluating a Vapocoolant Spray; Call for Case Reports
- Resident Resource Center
Hailey-Hailey Disease and Pemphigus Foliaceus; Preview: Practice PATH MD; Call for Case Reports
- Resident Resource Center
Teaching Hospitals Failing; Derm Toolkit Available for Practices
- Resident Resource Center
Website Rankings of Dermatology Associations; News and Trends
- Resident Resource Center
An atypical presentation of unilateral, linear, hypertrophic lichen planus in a Patient with HIV
- Resident Resource Center
How Do Dermatologists Handle “No-Show Appointments”?
- Resident Resource Center
Case Report: Henoch-Schönlein Purpura in an Adult; Resident Salary Report