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2015 Resident Match Largest in History
The National Resident Matching Program (NRMP), which announced the results of its Main Residency Match on March 20, said the 2015 Match was the largest in its history. Nearly 17,000 US allopathic seniors and more than 9,000 other applicants matched to one of the more than 27,000 first-year positions offered. The 2015 Match included 41,334 total registrants. The growth in the number of US seniors—651 more than last year—is due to rising medical school enrollments and the many new schools being established. More than 30,000 total positions were offered in 2015, an all-time high. Half of the 600-plus new first-year positions were in primary care specialties. Results of the Match are closely watched, because they predict future changes in physician manpower supply. Dermatology was among the specialties in the 2015 Match that offered at least 20 first-year positions and filled all of them.
Grant Opportunity to Attend Cosmetic Surgery Forum
Cosmetic Surgery Forum is extending opportunities for grants to this year’s meeting. This forum, jointly sponsored by the Dulaney Foundation, Practical Dermatology®, and Cosmetic Surgery Forum, LLC, is taking place December 2-5 at the ARIA Resort and Casino, Las Vegas. In a letter to residents and fellows, Course Director Joel Schlessinger, MD said the Residents and Fellows Program awards up to 75 grants covering airfare (up to $500), hotel (four nights in a shared room or half the cost of a single room), and registration. Qualification for consideration is based on the individual’s good standing within their residency or fellowship program and submission of a two-page paper of exceptional quality. Qualifying papers will cover a dermatology or cosmetic surgery topic and will take the form of a case report, informative session on a sign or symptom, or a topic review. No paper submitted for consideration will be eligible if it has already been or is in consideration for publication elsewhere prior to the meeting. The deadline is July 19 at 11:59 pm CT. Award winners will be announced in August. Applications submitted between the deadline and August 19 at 11:59 pm CT will be considered for positions as alternates.
To apply or for more information, visit n
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“I think the only way to really develop yourself is to develop your niche…It sparks something in you that says, ‘I like this, I want to build on this.’”
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Purified Botulinum Toxin Type A Complex for Bilateral Palmar Hyperhidrosis: A Case Report and Literature Review
Sandra Marchese Johnson, MD
Danielle Randolph
- Resident Resource Center
Squamoid Eccrine Ductal Carcinoma: A Diagnostic Challenge
Preetha Kamath, MD
- Resident Resource Center
Game On: Medical Student Aims to Transform Learning With MedBattles
- Resident Resource Center
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome: A Case Report
Sheryl Hoyer, MD
Yonatan Hirsch, MD
Christy L. Waterman, MD
Marylee A. Braniecki, MD