Showing 8591-8600 of 9652 results for "".
- ISHRS Kicks Off 20th Anniversary International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery kicks off its 20th Anniversary this month. The ISHRS Annual Scientific Meeting is October 17-20 at Atlantis, Paradise Island, the Bahamas. The society is highlighting follicular units in hair res
- Jurlique Offers Holiday Discounts released holiday gift sets featuring full-sized product at a 30 to 40 percent savings. The products include: Age-Defying Trio, of Jurlique Purely Age-Defying Serum, Purely Age-Defying Ultra Firm and Lift Cream, and Skin Balancing Face Oi
- Janssen to Develop, Commercialize JAK Inhibitor For Immunological Diseases Biotech, Inc. entered into a license agreement with Astellas Pharma Inc. for the worldwide development and commercialization, except in Japan, of ASP015K, an oral, small molecule Janus Kinase (JAK) inhibitor. ASP015K is currently in Phase 2b development as a once-daily oral treatment for mod
- Provectus Pharmaceuticals Publishes Patent Application, PV-10 Results Pharmaceuticals, Inc. announced that a patent application has been published for US and international patents covering the combination of local and systemic immunomodulative therapies for cancer treatment. The patent, entitled "Combination
- Bovie Medical Promotes Double Warranty, Free Goods Medical Corporation started its Fall Festival of Fun promotion now through December 31, 2012. During the promotion, customers receive an increased value of a double warranty and free goods when purchasing the Aaron® 1250, Aaron® 2250, or Aaron® 3250. To find out more information contact a loca
- Physician Pessimism, Dissatisfaction High than half of American physicians participating in a recent survey say they plan to significantly modify their practice patterns over the next one to three years, new research suggests. They report plans to cut back on patients seen, work part-time, switch to concierge medicine, retire, or take
- Pharma Penalties Total $10.2B Over Two Years manufacturers have reached a total of 74 settlements, totaling $10.2 billion in financial penalties with federal and state governments between November 2, 2010 and July 18, 2012. That's the conclusion of an updated report from P
- Lucid, Inc. Now Named Caliber ID, Inc. announced that it is now operating under a new company name, Caliber Imaging & Diagnostics, Inc., or Caliber ID. Caliber ID has created an entirely new class of tools enabling physicians to image and diagnose skin disease in real tim
- New Practice Offers Personalized Procedures Candace Thornton Spann, MD, FAAD, and plastic surgeon Marvin Spann, MD, established a joint practice, Couture Dermatology & Plastic Surgery. The practice, which opens October 1, will offer custom-tailored treatments for all et
- Provectus Pharmaceuticals to Present Data on PV-10 Pharmaceuticals, Inc. announced that final efficacy data from its Phase II trial of PV-10 in patients with Stage III-IV melanoma will be presented, including response rate and time-to-event (progression free survival and overall survival),